
Systemic Health and The Eye

A quick look at how the doctors at Vision Source Eye Center of the Triad work closely with other medical professionals in Greensboro and Oak Ridge.

Vision Source Eye Center of the Triad is your source for comprehensive eye care. We employ state-of-the-art techniques and diagnostic equipment to ensure you receive the best care for your eyes and vision. In addition to evaluating and treating all forms of ocular diseases, our doctors work closely with other medical practitioners in several fields to help monitor, diagnose, and treat many other chronic diseases.
Our doctors are trained to identify risk factors associated with chronic disease and to co-manage previously diagnosed medical conditions with other medical professionals.

For more information please schedule an appointment with your optometrist, and we’ll be in touch with you shortly.

Vision Correction

Vision Source Eye Center of the Triad in Greensboro and Oak Ridge provides treatment, consultation and referrals for these common vision correction surgeries and procedures.

Vision correction is a general term used to describe a variety of optometric techniques for correcting less-than-perfect vision. For your convenience, we have included a brief description of some of the most common vision correction procedures offered at Vision Source Eye Center of the Triad in Greensboro and Oak Ridge. For more specific information about lenses and frames or contacts, please visit their respective links from the menu.

Corneal Reshaping (Orthokeratology)

Orthokeratology is a procedure for correcting myopia (nearsightedness) and mild astigmatism by gently reshaping the cornea with special contact lenses, which the patient places in his or her eyes overnight.

When successful, patients will experience clear vision during the day without contact lenses or eyeglasses. However, the results are temporary, so the patient must continue to wear the lenses regularly at night to maintain optimum results. At Vision Source Eye Center of the Triad, Dr. Koop specializes in a specific type of Orthokeratology named Wave Corneal Molding.


LASIK (Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis) is a surgical procedure that uses a laser beam to reshape the cornea. Patients who are nearsighted, farsighted or astigmatic may benefit from this type of procedure.

While millions of patients have seen successful results from LASIK, the procedure is not right for everyone. Your optometrist will need to thoroughly examine your eyes to determine which type of vision correction best fits your needs.

Low Vision Therapy

Low vision is a general term that refers to a partial loss of vision that cannot be adequately corrected with eyeglasses, contact lenses, medications or surgery. Common causes of low vision include macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, inherited retinal degenerative diseases, glaucoma and optic nerve atrophy.

Low vision therapy typically includes an evaluation of the patient’s visual abilities, prescription of low vision devices and training in their use. The goal is to maximize the use of the patient’s available vision for reading, writing, hobbies and work-related tasks such as working at a computer.

Vision Source Eye Center of the Triad has the experience and equipment necessary to provide treatment, consultation and referrals for the vision correction procedures and surgeries detailed above at our office in Greensboro and Oak Ridge. Schedule an appointment with our doctors, and we will be in touch with you shortly.

Eye Conditions

Below are brief descriptions of the various eye conditions we commonly see and treat at Vision Source Eye Center of the Triad in Greensboro and Oak Ridge.

There are many different types of eye conditions that could be affecting your eyesight or could have long-term consequences if not treated properly or promptly. We list some of the more common conditions below. If you think you or someone in your family has one of these conditions, please contact Vision Source Eye Center of the Triad in Greensboro and Oak Ridge for an exam and recommendations.

Amblyopia (Lazy Eye)

Lazy eye, medically known as amblyopia, is a loss or lack of development of vision, usually in one eye. This degenerative process usually begins with an inherited condition and appears during infancy or early childhood. Lazy eye needs to be diagnosed between birth and early school age since it is during this period that the brain “chooses” its visual pathway and may ignore the weaker eye permanently.

Lazy eye is not always easy to recognize since a child with worse vision in one eye does not necessarily have lazy eye. Because of this, it is recommended that all children, including those with no symptoms, have a comprehensive eye examination by the age of three and sooner if there is a family history of any eye condition or disease. If you suspect a problem, or need to set up your child’s first eye examination, contact Vision Source Eye Center of the Triad to set up an appointment.


Blepharitis is a general term for an inflammation of the eyelid and eyelashes. It is among the most common and stubborn eye conditions usually resulting from poor eyelid hygiene, a low-grade bacterial infection (usually staphylococcal), an allergic reaction and/or abnormalities in oil gland function.

Like some other skin conditions, blepharitis can be controlled but not cured. The main goals in treating it are to reduce the amount of bacteria along the lid margin and open plugged glands. Contact Vision Source Eye Center of the Triad to assess the severity of your problem and the best treatment method.

Computer Vision Syndrome

Computer Vision Syndrome is characterized by neck pain, blurry vision, stiff shoulders, headache and watery eyes when working in front of a computer screen. The symptoms are typically due to posture, dry eyes, eye muscle coordination and poorly corrected vision.

Since computer monitors are typically 20 to 26 inches from your eyes, your regular glasses may not be the best option for computer work. This distance range is considered intermediate – closer than what you use to drive a car but farther away than what you use to read. Special lens designs for computer work provide you with a larger intermediate area for viewing the computer and your immediate work area like the top of your desk. Vision Source Eye Center of the Triad can help you determine if these special lenses are appropriate for you.

Dry Eye Syndrome

Dry eye syndrome refers to a breakdown in the quantity or quality of tears to moisten, cleanse and protect the eyes. This is significant because, with each blink, tears protect the surface of the eye, washing away dust and microorganisms. When this protective coating dries up, the eyes may feel “gritty” or burn and can be more sensitive to light. In extreme cases, vision can be blurred.

If you suspect that you have dry eye, see your eye doctor. Proper care will not only increase your comfort – it will protect your eyes. Your doctor can perform a series of tests to determine if you have dry eyes.


Cross-eyed, medically known as strabismus, refers to a condition in which eyes are misaligned. It commonly occurs when the muscles that control eye movement are not properly working together. The result is one or both eyes turning inward, outward, upward or downward, or one or both eyes moving irregularly.

Strabismus is usually diagnosed during childhood and affects about 4 percent of children, afflicting boys and girls equally. Though it cannot be prevented, its complications can be avoided with early intervention. Even if you notice symptoms intermittently – when your child is ill, stressed or fatigued – alert your doctor.

Vision Source Eye Center of the Triad has the experience and equipment necessary to diagnose and often treat the eye conditions detailed above at our office in Greensboro and Oak Ridge. For more information please schedule an appointment with our doctors, and we will be in touch with you shortly.

Vision Problems

A concise guide to some of the most common vision problems treated at Vision Source Eye Center of the Triad in Greensboro and Oak Ridge.

There are many different types of vision problems that could be affecting your eyesight. But, for the purposes of this guide, we will be focusing on four of the most common causes of impaired vision. These, along with many other vision impairments, are treated with care and precision by the eye care providers at Vision Source Eye Center of the Triad in Greensboro and Oak Ridge.


Astigmatism is an uneven or irregular curvature of the cornea or lens, which results in blurred or distorted vision. Other symptoms of astigmatism include the need to squint, eye strain from squinting, headaches and eye fatigue.

In reality, most people have some degree of astigmatism, which is usually present at birth and is believed to be hereditary. In minor cases, treatment may not be required but is certainly beneficial. Moderate to severe astigmatism can be treated with corrective eyewear or LASIK surgery.

Hyperopia (Farsightedness)

Farsightedness, medically known as hyperopia, refers to vision that is good at a distance but not at close range. Farsightedness occurs when the eyeball is shorter than normal, as measured from front to back, or when the cornea has too little curvature. This reduces the distance between the cornea and retina, causing light to converge behind the retina, rather than on it.

If you are mildly farsighted, your doctor may not recommend corrective treatment at all. However, if you are moderately or severely hyperopic, you may have several treatment options available, including eyeglasses, contacts, LASIK and photorefractive keratectomy (PRK). Your doctor at Vision Source Eye Center of the Triad will help you determine the best treatment option for you.

Myopia (Nearsightedness)

Nearsightedness, medically known as myopia, refers to vision that is good at close range but not at a distance. It generally occurs because the eyeball is too “long” as measured from front to back.

Nearsightedness is diagnosed during routine eye exams and possible treatments include eyeglasses, contacts, acrylic corneal implants, LASIK, radial keratotomy (RK) and photorefractive keratotomy (PRK). Your doctor will suggest the best treatment option for you.

Presbyopia (Aging Eyes)

Aging eyes, medically known as presbyopia, is a condition in which the lens of the eye gradually loses its flexibility, making it harder to focus clearly on close objects such as printed words. Distance vision, on the other hand, is usually not affected.

Unfortunately, presbyopia is an inevitable part of aging and cannot be prevented by diet, lifestyle or visual habits. However, it is treatable with several types of corrective lenses, including progressives, bifocals and trifocals, single-vision reading glasses, multifocal contact lenses and monovision therapy.

Your doctor at Vision Source Eye Center of the Triad will work with you to diagnose your vision problem and suggest the best treatment option for your eyes at our optometric office in Greensboro and Oak Ridge. For more information, schedule an appointment with our doctors, and we’ll be in touch with you shortly.

Pediatric Eye Health

Vision Source Eye Center of the Triad in Greensboro and Oak Ridge provides comprehensive eye care for infants and pediatric patients as well as adults.

Many parents are uncertain of when to bring their children to the eye doctor. At Vision Source Eye Center of the Triad, we see patients of all ages starting at infancy. Below is some general information about our pediatric and infant programs.

What is special about children’s vision?

According to the American Optometric Association (AOA), as much as 80 percent of learning occurs through a child’s eyes. Reading, writing, and chalkboard work are just a few visual tasks children must perform daily. However, experts say 5 to 10% of pre-schoolers and 25% of school-aged children have vision problems. Early identification of a child’s vision problem can be crucial because children often are more responsive to treatment when problems are diagnosed early.

When Should Kids Have Their Eyes Examined?

According to the American Optometric Association (AOA), infants should have their first comprehensive eye exam at 6 months of age. Children then should receive additional eye exams at 3 years of age, and just before they enter kindergarten or the first grade at about age 5 or 6. When scheduling an eye exam, choose a time when your child is usually alert and happy.

What is an Infant Eye Exam?

Infant’s vision develops and changes quickly during the first few years. Infants are beginning to detect movement and use their visual skills. Early detection and management of vision problems is recommended to provide appropriate vision development and health. Although babies may not be able to read an eye chart, specialized procedures have been developed to allow us to measure the clarity of sight of children at almost any age.

We participate in the InfantSEE program which is dedicated to early detection and treatment of vision problems in infants. A complete evaluation of the visual system in infants is possible through the use of age-appropriate targets and tests. Call our office for more information and to schedule your baby for an appointment.

What does a pediatric exam entail?

A comprehensive eye examination will assess visual acuity, refractive status, ocular health, eye tracking, eye focusing, and eye teaming. Visual acuity measures how clearly a child sees objects. Refractive status measures for nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism. The child is evaluated for any eye health problems, including active pathology or congenital anomalies. Eye tracking is the ability of the eyes to fixate, smoothly follow and look between objects or printed words. Eye focusing is the ability to efficiently change and sustain focus while reading. Eye teaming is the ability to coordinate both eyes accurately and without fatigue or excessive effort. Accurate eye teaming is also important for accurate two-eyed depth perception or stereopsis.

Signs for parents that your child may be having vision problems

Sometimes recognizing a child’s vision problems can be difficult because children often do not realize that his or her vision is not normal. Below are several signs that your child may be having trouble seeing.

  • Squinting, closing, or covering one eye
  • Constantly holding materials close to face
  • Tilting the head to one side
  • Rubbing eyes repeatedly
  • One or both eyes turn in or out
  • Redness or tearing in eyes
  • Premature birth
  • Developmental delays
  • Family history of “lazy eye” or “thick glasses”
  • A disease that affects the whole body (such as diabetes, sickle cell, or HIV)

Pediatric Sunwear

Don’t forget that children need sunglasses too. Just as you wouldn’t send your little ones out without sunscreen and a hat, you should always remind them to protect their eyes from the sun as well.

At Vision Source Eye Center of the Triad, we provide BanZ polarized sunwear for children from infants up to 12 years of age. This Australian company really knows their sun protection and provides fun designs coupled with quality protection.

Learn more about them here.

Your doctor at Vision Source Eye Center of the Triad will work with you to diagnose pediatric vision problems and suggest the best treatment option for your family at our optometric office in Greensboro and Oak Ridge. For more information, schedule an appointment with our doctors, and we’ll be in touch with you shortly.